Jagruk Yuva Sangathan

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Two days educational camp of JYS

Two days camp on 17-18 October organized by JYS held in Kojawada village of Kherwada block.The camp was inaugurated by Raju Dama , Kojawada Sarpanch and co-convener of JYS.He said in inauguration that the JYS was not only the hope of youths of Kherwada but the Labour, peasent and other down trodden sections dohope from this organization. He warned the delegates to take every further steps by more responsibly and greater understanding. He gave good wishes for third camp and underlined the need to develop understanding, Study classes and awareness camps.

FIRST DAY-17-10-2006
The convener of JYS Prem Limbaat presented the further program of the camp and said about the process of organizational development, History of JYS, Difficulties faced by members and future challenges. D S Paliwal took the class on political system of India and gave primary knowledge of the history of Congress, BJP (RSS), CPI and CPM. He tried to relate the political behavior of the party policies with the concrete situation. He asked to the delegates to develop habit of regular study for wide and deeper knowledge of every subject and issue taken by JYS.

Third session was devoted for the problems of castism, communalism, Areaism etc. The delegates listen the cassette (on history of Communalism)of Prof.Ram Puniyani and discussed the issues in detail. The cultural activity started at 10PM and was continuing up to 1.00 AM.

SECOND DAY 18-10-2006
Second day session was started at 7.00Am in morning. All delegates reviewed the first day’s subjects and decide for next sessions. All delegates were divided into groups in first session. The different groups discussed on Social structure, organizational principles, norms and values for the members and leaders, Organisational discipline and need of different organizations for different sections of society. All group leaders presented the conclusion of their discussion and other delegates raised questions for more clearity.
General secretary of JYS Vijay Kumar concluded the points raised in group discussion and analyze the meaning of organizational work, Quality of leadership, challenges for the strengthening the organization.

Delegates discussed about the future planning in third session of second day. All the delegates criticizes the Method of working of convener, tehsil committee members and conveners of different units. All the leaders took it positively and comeradely.They self-criticised about their weaknesses and assures the participants to work with more commitment and dedication to strengthen the JYS.At last the atmosphere of camp was so friendly. All the participants pay thanks to the local Kojawada unit for its arrangement and hospitality. At last convener and secretary assured to the participants to put the suggestions in Tehsil committee meeting to take further decisions. Convener also assured to them to take disciplinary action against inactive committees, some of the tehsil committee members and members to strengthen the organization before first convention/conference on Nov24th ,2006 (The foundation day of JYS).

All the delegates appreciated the hot discussions after every session. They feel the need to have classes for all the units and one ten days camp for the selected members and leaders of JYS.They also feel the need for special drive of membership before conference. Shanker parmar convener of Sarera Unit presented the thanks motion and Surendra Dama of Kozawada unit thanks to JYS to organize camp in their area of work. The third camp was finished with slogan –JYS Zindabaad.


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